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Aquarian Wanderings
Aquarian Wanderings
Evelyn Roberts
Trains Across India
My favourite tree, a 200-300 year old frangipani, full of blossoms and spectator to more than we can imagine…
Evelyn Roberts
Road-Tripping In The USA + Bali
The kind of happiness that just gets plumper, richer, juicier and sweeter with age, old friends and the saturation of countless blessings...
Evelyn Roberts
Back To The Fields And Jungle
Women coming back from foraging in the jungle for fuel and food for their livestock remind me of how easy my life really is...
Evelyn Roberts
Ecuador And The Galapagos
Seymour Norte, Galapagos, tiny human-less island, a feast of wildlife, mating rituals, baby chicks, nesting...
Evelyn Roberts
Ho Hum, More Back And Forth Across The Pacific
Must run and have my welcome cocktail, by the pool, next to the beach. As Nancy says, I need a drink that's screaming for a little umbrella.
Evelyn Roberts
Cali/Bali Ping Pong Travels Continue
1st night on the land. A glorious dawn heralded by nature's finest symphony, mostly of the flying variety with a bovine and poultry chorus.
Evelyn Roberts
Journey’s End, Beijing To Bali
China is quite a culture shock after the wilds of the Mongolia. But headed out to a section of the Great Wall, about a 3 hr drive away...
Evelyn Roberts
Train through England, Belgium, Germany, Poland, Belarus, Russia, Mongolia, to China
Sacred Blue Lake, where Genghis Khan married his first and favourite wife, Borte, and was pronounced mighty head of the Mongol Empire...
Evelyn Roberts
Prelude To The Trans-Siberian Adventure
Just hiked 25 miles along the Pembrokeshire coast with four friends, and to say it was stunning would be an understatement…
Evelyn Roberts
More Happy Returns To Favourite Lands
My compartment companions, 7 delightful young men from Hyderabad, on their way to Goa for the 1st time. Laughing and joking the whole way.
Evelyn Roberts
2012: Random Musings From The Year The World Did Not End
A repeating scenario in my life is where I find myself on remote, long, pot-holed, badly sign-posted roads that lead to glorious places...
Evelyn Roberts
Turning 60 in Australia + Other Travel Snippets
60 is definitely different, not at all in a bad way, but my "to do" list suddenly started flashing neon lights...
Evelyn Roberts
More Zig-Zagging the Planet
6 days touring Lombok - a wonderful experience. Many say it is how Bali was 25 years ago, and true there is no such thing as a hot shower...
Evelyn Roberts
Hampi then Homeward
The highlight of my first day was being blessed by Laxmi the elephant, her trunk on the top of my head made my heart pop.
Evelyn Roberts
Discovering Goa
Where the 1960's is hiding, literally unchanged and preserved as though someone dropped a giant glob of THC resin onto it...
Evelyn Roberts
2010 - In a Rather Bulging Nutshell
2010 was also the year I got my motorbike license. Was made "leader of the pack" by the class as the only female and scooter rider...
Evelyn Roberts
I am poaching my own Facebook posts to see if I can fill in some of the blanks when I stopped writing my travel letters...
Evelyn Roberts
I remember when we were all having babies and raising families, or starting careers and journeys, almost everything was about beginnings.
Evelyn Roberts
My beloved Ecco boots spent 2 years in Bali waiting for such a trip, but when I got them to Borneo, I found the soles had melted.
Evelyn Roberts
Growing Roots in Bali
The whole workshop idea is starting to sprout wings, and a new website is in the works...
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